Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine

About Me



My work in natural medicine began when I was a teenager reading about herbal medicine and nutrition, sipping chamomile and peppermint teas, and cooking with whole grains and miso. My interest in therapeutic bodywork was deepened when, as a college student, a friend gave me a complementary Tsubo acupressure massage. Several years later, I received acupuncture and Chinese herbs for fatigue, and decided to become a student of Chinese herbs, Shiatsu and acupuncture.

I began practicing Yoga around 1989, and learning Soaring Crane Qigong in 1993. I began to specialize in Medical Qigong several years ago in training with David Coon of Qigong Awareness. I highly recommend Yoga, Tai ji Chuan and Medical Qigong for personal care and spiritual health.

 The foundation of my work as a Licensed Acupuncturist is derived from my academic and clinical work toward a Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine degree granted in 1996 from Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in Portland, Oregon. I am licensed with the Oregon Medical Board.

My mission is to serve as a health advocate and teacher alongside my personalized health and wellness sessions. I have taught classes for the surounding community on topics including Chinese herbs for self-care of colds and flu's, understanding acupuncture, and Oriental Dietary Therapy including Chinese, Ayurvedic and Macrobiotic systems. I have spoken about acupuncture and Chinese Medicine as a guest lecturer for cultural anthropology and psychology classes at SouthWestern Oregon Community College, and as a speaker for Women's Health Day 2016 in Bandon.

Specialty training in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for gynecological and women's reproductive conditions has been acquired through years of clinical practice and specialized coursework.

My training and experience with diverse styles of healing add numerous self-care options to my traditional Chinese medicine style for effective treatment of pain, stress and illness.

I was publisher, author and illustrator of the Yarrow Flower Healing Journal in Bandon, Oregon, from 2008 to 2009. This publication was a quarterly journal providing inspiration for natural wellness and reflection on the beautiful and elegant healing nature of the sacred earth.

I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana and a deep appreciation of creative writing, illustrating, painting, dance, music and quiet time in nature.

If you would like to schedule a health and wellness consultation, please go to the "Contact Me" page and send me a message with your phone number or call 541.217.0707.

Thank you for your interest!